Staying Sane and Making Changes

When COVID hit last year, I sat still along with the rest of the world. I complied with the restrictions, respected those around me by wearing a mask, kept my distance, and spent the majority of my time at home, cherishing the things I am grateful for. And it goes without saying that none of the above has changed.

However, there were two times last year when I made an exception and, safely, ventured out on little road trips. As the year came to an end it was easy to see that these two exceptions saved me from plunging deeper into the funk that I was already stuck in prior to the pandemic.

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Dreaming of Paris

Who wants to go to Paris? I do! I do! Me too please!


But, we can't. 


Wait a minute! We can do the next best thing and go virtually. So, get ready for what they call… a little armchair travel! (It's the best I've got. I'll make it fun. Promise!)


I will take you to a few of the most spectacular places. We'll stay at one of the most iconic hotels in the world (pack your Sunday best!). We'll walk through a dreamy garden (you'll need your trainers); pick up a few specialty items from my preferred boutiques in all of Paris like mint tea flavoured mouthwash from my favourite perfumer (who doesn't like fancy mouthwash?), a vase, a coffee cup, or whatever suits your fancy from my favourite Parisian ceramic makers; and of course we'll grace at least one of the grand museums with our presence, all before sipping an aperitif at a classic Parisian café (pack a scarf – we'll be sitting outside!).


Are you ready? Are you packed yet? Leave no shoe un-stuffed! 


Let's go to Paris.

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A Cozy Retreat Giveaway!

A Cozy Retreat Giveaway!


There is a part of my mind that has spent the majority of the last eight months covering my ears like a child belting out la-la-la to anyone who tells me this crisis is going to last a long time. I do not like these unfamiliar words we have been forced to add to our daily vocabulary: social distancing, quarantine, self-isolation, testing stations, masks, bubble, Zoom, and so on… ugh.


Despite these feelings I do manage to go on with somewhat of a smile on my face (I am sorry you can't see it – I'm wearing a mask), mildly accepting that this is the way it is. 

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Paris in the Winter

I am completely drawn to the winter vibe in Paris. The silent parks, bare trees, gray skies; the fresh, chilly air and huddling at a corner table enjoying a chocolat chaud under a heat lamp on the terrace of a pretty café. It soothes my soul. There's something deeply calming about being in the City of Light during the winter months.

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Christmas at the Ritz Paris

"When I dream of afterlife in heaven, the action always takes place in the Paris Ritz," - Ernest Hemingway

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Astier de Villatte

I've always been attracted to the beauty of imperfection, which is probably the reason why I fell in love with a 115-year-old, crooked, little blue house. (If I place a marble in one corner it immediately begins to roll and will smack the other side before I can say "I love this house!")

With its crooked white picket fence, creaky antique floors, cracked moulding and original wooden windows – complete with old brass cranks – the house is a dream come true. When I first saw it, I blurted out "It's perfect!" to my husband. That was over ten years ago, and I am still in love with our house. All while it remains perfectly non-perfect.

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Francis Ford Coppola’s Palazzo Margherita Takes the Cake!

Francis Ford Coppola's Palazzo Margherita takes the cake… especially when you get to spend three nights staying in the great man's own bedroom! (But with my great man not THE great man – just to be clear!)

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A Hotel is the Most Important Part of a Trip!

When I started traveling, a hotel was just a place to sleep. It didn't matter where I stayed because it wasn't like I was going to spend the day there anyway. Sounds logical, right? Well, this miserable method only led me to unpleasant establishments. The "I can't wait to return to your hotel!" feeling was never, ever present. Was it worth the savings? No. In the end, you actually do spend a lot more time in your hotel room than you think. You will most likely spend just as much of your 24-hour day in your hotel room than you will out of it.

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My Stay in a 16th-century Venetian Palazzo

Ever since launching my website, I've had a ton of fun visiting world-renowned hotels. The experiences over the years have been extraordinary – in fact, so much so that it has been a challenge for me to put these precious moments into words. My recent visit to Aman Venice will prove to be one of those times… but I will give it a go!

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Taking Care of my Skin!

My mother grew up with few material possessions. She doesn't seem to need or want much in order to maintain the natural happiness she radiates. She is simply content. I suppose this is why my childhood memory of her Lancôme, her only indulgence, is so ingrained.

Her Lancômewas off-limits! "Ne touché pas!" she would say, but in German because she's not French. Ha. Kidding aside, I will never forget taking notice of how my mother cherished her precious face cream.

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