Astier de Villatte Giveaway!

Update: Congratulations Sarah from Edmonton, Canada!!!


Astier de Villatte makes my heart melt and is unquestionably my favourite shop in Paris!

This rustic piece of heaven holds the most wonderful hand-made pottery I have ever seen. I have been collecting for years. Every time I'm there, I scoop up a piece from the Alexandre collection. I am so very close to a table for six!  

Besides their dreamy dishes, they also sell beautifully scented candles. I picked one up named Commune de Paris, lifted the lid and the scent was of Paris! Perhaps it is just me, it probably is, but this candle smells like Paris. I adore it!! Every time I visit, I bring one home. 

Subscribe to my website and you could win a Commune de Paris candle. These little beauties are worth over 50 Euros.

(Candles pictured above are sold in ADV's pottery valued at approximately 140 Euros each. The candle I am giving away will be in glass, which is pictured below.)

Enter your email address in the Email Notification box located in the blog section and you could be enjoying a Commune de Paris as well!

The winner will be chosen on October 23rd. 

Bonne chance!